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December 2024
The studio is located in Aveley, has plenty of parking available. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
Online classes are available for anyone who may prefer this sort of class. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
The studio is located in Aveley, has plenty of parking available. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
York Class
A class is held once a week in York at the York Church Of Christ. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
York Class – Mums and Bubs
Once a week a class is held in York for mums and bubs, been a mother myself I understand that it can be hard to take the kids anywhere and spend time looking after myself.
York Class
A class is held once a week in York at the York Church Of Christ. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
Online classes are available for anyone who may prefer this sort of class. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
Online classes are available for anyone who may prefer this sort of class. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
The studio is located in Aveley, has plenty of parking available. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
The studio is located in Aveley, has plenty of parking available. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
The studio is located in Aveley, has plenty of parking available. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
The studio is located in Aveley, has plenty of parking available. Class numbers are capped and available spots are limited so please contact to book yours.
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